Your Support Circle & Your Career...

Dec 07, 2022
Hand Holding up Tree Support Circle

What is your Support Circle?

Whilst our career journeys are individual and unique to each person, we can’t do it all alone.

Your support circle are your reliables, the people you call on in a time of need, or maybe just when you need some advice. This circle isn’t just confined to your closest family and friends, think of the people you offer you medical, professional, financial, and pscychological support.

That for you may include a doctor, psychiatrist, therapist, or line manager.

The amazing thing about our individual support circles, is that each person tends to have a different role to play in our lives.

Pause for 60 and think who fits these roles in your own support circle.

You have had a stressful day at work, and need someone to vent to, who are you calling?

You need career advice to make a big work decision. Who is that person to you?


You need a belly laugh. Who are you going for a drink or a coffee with?


Sometimes we can feel isolated and alone as we navigate a sucessful career, particularly if we are self-employed or work from home. Taking a few moments to acknowledge and identify those we have around us who are willing to lend a listening ear, or collect the kids from school, enables us to know when to ask for help.

So heres an idea, on your work device, weather that be a computer, iPad, or desk, create a folder of all the people in your support circles. Maybe you might insert their picture, or even just their name and number, and every now and then, have a glance and remember you’ve got people behind you who want to see you thrive and grow.


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